Friday, January 19, 2007



I'm Kara, a junior at SMU. This is my first attempt at bear with me for the first few entries. I have a passion for writing and interpersonal communication (not to mention baseball), and I am taking this Advanced Communications class as a step in the direction towards a PR career one day...I'd ultimately LOVE to do sports PR.

I'm excited to see the impact blogging will have on the communications industry; it seems PR professionals are utilizing blogs already to disseminate communication breakthroughs and new PR approaches, publicize events, promote clients and causes, and any number of crafty ventures.

I'm here to I'd really appreciate feedback on my upcoming PR pieces. I'm ready to get on the blog boat and share my PRspective...come back and visit!


PS: Leave your email/blog address so I can respond to your comments!


College Bloggers said...

Way to go, Kara. You did it. And it looks good so far.

Austin said...

Well job. I'll be reading this.